
The wheeli should work with most junior & first peddler kids bikes with 14 inch to 20 inch wheels. The rule of thumb is if it’s tricky to carry or push via normal means then a wheeli could help.

To check if you will be able to strap the dowel to the handle bars with no problems:

You could position an item like a ruler or rolled up newspaper / magazine between the handlebar grips. If this can span uninterrupted, with a gap of 15mm (1.5cm) (a) minimum at the middle zone (either side of the handlebar stem), with item positioned 7.5mm above handlebars (b) (to account for Interface Rings) then the dowel should be able to be positioned and strapped in place successfully. (See marked up photo adjacent).

The distance between handlebar grips shouldn’t be greater than 340mm (34cm). (The dowel is 400mm (40cm) long so it needs to span this with overlaps at each end to allow secure fixing with the hook & loop straps.)

Please check these measurements before ordering.