Our Story


wheeli was born as an idea on the return to school in the challenging year that was 2020.

Our son’s school could no longer offer the facility to store bikes. This meant bikes were often left at home on the school run and our son, who really enjoyed his morning ride, missed out.

We needed to figure out a feasible way to get his bike back home after drop off as it just wasn’t possible pushing or carrying it home, especially with a younger brother on his own bike in tow.

An idea, some perseverance, and some scrap wood gave us an early version of the wheeli and allowed us to start using the bikes on the school run again.

We further refined and developed the unique design you can purchase today.

We soon found ourselves taking the wheeli out whenever the kids were riding for added flexibility and convenience.

No more struggling and more opportunities for the kids to ride.

We hope it makes your day a little easier too.

Lisa & Simon
